Tuesday, July 20, 2010

plans change

Never would I thought my teenager would describe how my choices or changes in plans would ruin something important as she says on "facebook" and to stop changing what I say. Maybe it was my uncertainty of the people she was going to be hanging out with tonight and the other large population of other teens and young adults hanging out in the same area. My decision to not let her go tonight has got her upset of course no surprise to that. I heard "why you don't' trust me too my friend is not like that anymore". No matter how I explain that it's not her that I don't trust it always came back to that for her. No matter how many times I explained that most days I am glad to drive her to her friends or take them to places they want to go but today she is going to have to stay home has drove her to feel that I am not keeping my word, which I agree that I did change my mind. Maybe when I felt it wasn't such a good idea in the first place when she first asked to go should have convinced me to just say no but "make sure to have your phone" came out of my mouth and "I'm not so sure of this" on my way out her bedroom wasn't clear enough. I feel this is reality that comes with life that shit happens and our days don't go as they were planned. To her this is me changing my mind or not doing what I say that is going to ruin something important. What that is I'm thinking is her trust in me.